Agree on the Self-issued OpenID Connect Provider Requirements Document

Issue #1201 closed
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

Need to reach consensus on the Self-issued OpenID Connect Provider Requirements Document in the AB/C WG to move to the drafting stage.


Comments (3)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    The rough consensus on the requirements have been reached during the call on Nov 16/17th.

    To define the scope of initial v2 draft, five items have been highlighted from the requirements list (for details see “SIOP Scope proposal“ email thread):

    1. Enabling portable(domain-free) subject identifiers between providers - creation of subject identifiers that are not intrinsically bound to a particular OP
    2. Provider discovery and registration - how does an RP come to have a relationship with an OP or understand its capabilities along with what role the user plays in this selection/discovery process.
    3. RP - OP co-location on the same device - Dealing with the unique requirements that are brought about when the OP the RP is communicating with is on the same device (e.g in the form of a PWA or Native App), rather than a traditional Authorization server.
    4. Credential Issuance support - Issuing credentials from OpenID Connect flows.
    5. Credential Presentation support - Presenting credentials in OpenID Connect flows.

    On Dec 14th and 17th calls, rough agreement on scopes 1, 2, and 4 has been reached.

    During the same call, additional clarification was made: key rotation is in scope, while specific key recovery mechanisms are not.

  2. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    closed per agreement on Nov 16/17th call. Discussion moved to the scopes discussion on the ML and the call.

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