
Groups Management APIs


Accept Group Application

Accepts an outstanding invitation to to join a group

Accept Group Invitation

Accepts an invitation to join a group

Add Members

Adds members to a group or role.

Apply To Group

Applies to join a group

Block Entity

Blocks a list of entities from joining a group.

Change Member Role

Changes the role membership of a list of entities from one role to another.

Create Group

Creates a new group.

Create Role

Creates a new group role.

Delete Group

Deletes a group and all roles, invitations, join requests, and blocks associated with it.

Delete Role

Deletes an existing role in a group.

Get Group

Gets information about a group and its roles

Invite To Group

Invites a player to join a group

Is Member

Checks to see if an entity is a member of a group or role within the group

List Group Applications

Lists all outstanding requests to join a group

List Group Blocks

Lists all entities blocked from joining a group

List Group Invitations

Lists all outstanding invitations for a group

List Group Members

Lists all members for a group

List Membership

Lists all groups and roles for an entity

List Membership Opportunities

Lists all outstanding invitations and group applications for an entity

Remove Group Application

Removes an application to join a group

Remove Group Invitation

Removes an invitation join a group

Remove Members

Removes members from a group.

Unblock Entity

Unblocks a list of entities from joining a group

Update Group

Updates non-membership data about a group.

Update Role

Updates metadata about a role.