Using text moderation

PlayFab Party offers a text moderation solution that is integrated with text chat. Text chat can be moderated in real-time to filter out offensive language. This feature is backed by Azure's Content Moderator. For more information, see Azure Content Moderator.

Language support

Text moderation is supported for more than 30 languages. However, you don't need to do anything to configure a language selection for text moderation; the language of each text message is automatically detected by Azure. For a complete list of supported languages which support auto-detection and profanity filtering, refer to Azure Content Moderator's list of supported languages.

Enabling text moderation

Text moderation is configured per chat control. It is be enabled by calling PartyLocalChatControl::SetTextChatOptions() with the PartyTextChatOptions::FilterOffensiveText option. Chat controls that have moderation enabled will receive text chat with offensive words masked by asterisks. Since moderation is enabled per chat control, you are able to create UI to allow users to set their own moderation choice. Alternatively, you can enforce moderation for some or all users.

To disable moderation for a chat control, use the same function, passing in a PartyTextChatOptions option that does not contain the FilterOffensiveText flag.

Sample code:

// Opt into moderation
myLocalChatControl->SetTextChatOptions(PartyTextChatOptions::FilterOffensiveText, nullptr);

// Opt out of moderation
myLocalChatControl->SetTextChatOptions(PartyTextChatOptions::None, nullptr);

Sending and receiving moderated text

All text sent to a chat control with moderation enabled will have moderation applied, regardless of the sender's own moderation settings. Text messages received by a chat control with moderation enabled will have the chatText field in PartyChatTextReceivedStateChange replaced with the moderated version.

Additional fields are present on the PartyChatTextReceivedStateChange to enable more complex scenarios, such as giving users an option to view an unfiltered version of the text. Refer to the PartyChatTextReceivedStateChange reference page for more information.

If moderating a text message fails, either due to a service error or because the text was deemed offensive by the service without being able to identify specific terms, then the entire text message will be masked with asterisks. You can determine if this has happened by looking at PartyChatTextReceivedOptions enum provided in the options field of PartyChatTextReceivedStateChange.

Adjusting filtering levels

For English, the level of filtering that happens for a chat control can be adjusted by using the PartyManager::SetOption function. The filtering levels available are Family-Friendly, Medium, and Mature. The default level is Family-Friendly.

Sample code:

// Set the filter level to Mature
PartyTextChatFilterLevel filterLevel = PartyTextChatFilterLevel::Mature;
PartyOption option = PartyOption::TextChatFilterLevel;
PartyError error = PartyManager::SetOption(nullptr, option, &filterLevel);

See also