Lifecycle of a multiplayer server build region

A build region can exist in one of the following states:

  • Initialized: The PlayFab multiplayer service has recorded the configuration for the region.
  • Deploying: A small number of VMs are being provisioned in the region in order to validate the build.
  • Deployed: The initial set of VMs have all completed loading the game servers and at least one game server has reported a StandingBy status (via the ReadyForPlayers API call in GSDK).


    Even though a build region may configured for say 50 standBy servers, a build region will be marked as Deployed, even if only one game server has reported StandingBy.

  • Deleting: The region is marked for deletion. All VMs are being de-provisioned.

The transitions between these states are depicted in the following image and described below:

Multiplayer - Build Region Status

  1. Initialized -> Deploying : StandBy servers have been configured to be > 0. A few VMs are being provisioned in the region, and the build is being validated on those VMs (propping the assets and ensuring game server can reach StandingBy state).
  2. Deploying -> Deployed : At least one game server in the region has reached a StandingBy state, thus validating the build (for that region).
  3. Deploying -> Unhealthy: One of the following occurred:
    • All the initial set of VMs (from Step 1 above) are deemed Unhealthy. Some reasons include:
      • None of the game servers have sent a heartbeat via GSDK for more than 10 minutes after being started. This usually indicates that the server is crashing, and you will see a NoServerHeartbeat health status for each VM in the region.
      • The PlayFab Multiplayer Agent itself is crashing, or not being initialized on the VM (rare occurrence). Essentially the multiplayer service has not received a heartbeat from the Agent for over 10 minutes.
    • None of the VMs have reached a Running state (mostly stuck in loading assets) for more than 90 minutes.
    • None of the game servers have reached a StandingBy state for more than 90 minutes (although they are sending a heartbeat). This indicates an issue during game server initialization.
  4. Deploying -> Deleting: This state transition is uncommon, and occurs when the developer requests to remove a region while it is still deploying.
  5. Deployed -> Deleting: The region was removed from the build configuration. Removing a build is equivalent to removing each region from it (as far as build region status is concerned).
  6. Unhealthy -> Deleting: The region was removed from the build configuration. Removing a build is equivalent to removing each region from it (as far as build region status is concerned).


  • Start and Deleted states are internal to the system and are not exposed.
  • If the number of standby servers for a region is configured to be 0, the region will remain in the Initialized state.
  • In rare unexpected cases (outages), we might see a transition from Deploying to Unhealthy for a brief period.