Audit logs

Audit logs allow you to observe and analyze the history of important changes made to your title by you or other developers. You are able to detect both important changes and destructive actions, and react accordingly.

Accessing audit logs

On the Audit History page, select any entry in the log to view the complete details. You can also navigate through the Logs using the SEARCH button.

  • The Event time column exposes information about the time and the author of the change.

  • The Log type column gives you a clue about the kind of change that was made.

  • The String change and Value columns represent short details of the change.

  • The View column allows you to access a full JSON description of the change.

Game Manager - Admin - Audit History

The View column displays a button to access the JSON body of the change. JSON is displayed in a modal window.

It contains:

  1. The same data as the table.
  2. Plus a raw JSON body specific for each change type.

Game Manager - Admin - Audit History - View Event Body