Important upcoming changes (deprecations) in canvas apps

The announcements for changes (deprecations) described in this article apply to canvas apps.

Makers, developers, and IT professionals can use this information to prepare for future releases.


"Deprecated" means we intend to remove the feature or capability from a future major release. The feature or capability will continue to work and is fully supported until it is officially removed. This deprecation notification can span a few months or years. After removal, the feature or capability no longer work. This notice is to allow you sufficient time to plan and update your code before the feature or capability is removed.

Deprecated endpoints

For information about deprecated endpoints, see Deprecated endpoints

New addition for restrictive firewall rules to filter subdomains

Effective February 14, 2022, if you’re using restrictive firewall rules to filter subdomains instead of *, you’ll also need to allow access to * for a continued Power Apps authoring and runtime experience. To see the complete list of the subdomains, go to Required services.

Rules feature in canvas apps is deprecated

Effective October 14, 2019, the rules feature in canvas apps in Power Apps is deprecated. Few people have made use of rules in their canvas apps. From feedback collected through research and discussions with makers of Power Apps, the rules feature was confusing, and expressions were easier to learn, use, and debug. For more information about the rules feature deprecation, see Blog: Canvas Rules feature deprecation.

Map component fields using dropdown option

The capability to map component fields using dropdown option available through the Advanced tab for the selected component that's added to an app has been deprecated. To learn more about mapping component fields, alternatives, and this deprecation, go to Map input fields of a component.

See also

Important changes (deprecations) coming in Power Apps, Power Automate, and customer engagement apps