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AzCopy V10.14.0 Release

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@mohsha-msft mohsha-msft released this 28 Feb 05:45
· 237 commits to main since this release

Version 10.14.0

New features

  1. Feature to permanently delete soft-deleted
    snapshots/versions of the blobs has been added (preview). --permanent-delete=none/snapshots/version/snapshotsandversions.
  2. Feature to preserve properties and ACLs when copying to Azure file share root directory.
  3. Pin all APIs to use the default service version 2020-04-08 and let users decide the service version via
    AZCOPY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION environment variable. Previously, few APIs were not respecting the AZCOPY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION environment variable.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue in which AzCopy failed to copy to classic blob container with preserve blob access tier.
  2. Fixed issue 1630 : AzCopy created extra empty
    directories at destination while performing S2S transfer from one ADLS Gen2 account to another ADLS Gen2 account.
  3. Changed the way AzCopy was using to obtain and set ACLs to ensure accuracy.
  4. Clarify error message for azcopy sync when source or destination cannot be detected.
  5. Report error when client provided key(CPK) encryption is applied to DFS endpoint.
  6. Fixed issue 1596 : AzCopy failed to transfer files
    (with '/.' in their path) from AWS S3 to Azure blob storage.
  7. Fixed issue 1474 : AzCopy panicked when trying to re-create an already open plan file.
  8. Improved handling of Auth error against single file.
  9. Fixed issue 1640 : Recursive copy from GCS bucket to Azure container failed
    with FileIgnored error when using --exclude-path.
  10. Fixed issue 1655 : AzCopy panicked when using --include-before flag.
  11. Fixed issue 1609 : blockid converted to lower case in AzCopy logs.
  12. Fixed issue 1643, issue 1661 : Updated Golang version to 1.16.10 to fix security vulnerabilities in Golang packages.