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Nuxt on Azure AppService for Windows

This is a sample application that you can deploy to Azure AppService for Windows

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start

Deploying To Azure AppService for Windows

Get an Azure Account

Note that this Nuxt project uses Express. If you picked a different server, you may have a slightly different configuration.

Windows leverages Kudu to do the build and IISNode to run the project. This means that some additional files/changes are required. These changes have already been made to this project (except for number 1) - for your deployment pleasure.

  1. CHANGE YOU NEED TO MAKE: You need to set the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION Application Setting to one that is greater than or equal to 8. Nuxt requires this. Otherwise you will see an error that the keyword function is unexpected. I use version 10.15.2.

  2. A .deployment file must be present in the project to instruct Kudu to run npm install.

  3. Include a postinstall hook in the "scripts" section of the package.json to execute npm run build

    "postinstall": "npm run build"
  4. Paths will be broken by default with the standard Nuxt setup because Azure creates a web.config based on the startup point of server/index.js. This is correct, but sets the base path to /server which breaks the app. To fix this, add a server.js file to the root of the project and just require in the server/index.js. This will force Azure to run this app from the root and not from the server/index.js file.


For detailed explanation on how Nuxt works, checkout Nuxt.js docs.


A sample Nuxt application that builds and works on Azure AppService for Windows






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