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Microsoft Power BI dataflows samples

The document below describes the various powershell scripts available for Power BI dataflows. These rely on the Power BI public REST APIs and the Power BI PowerShell modules.

Power BI Dataflow PowerShell scripts

Below is a table of the various Power BI PowerShell modules found in this repository.

Description Module Name
Export all dataflows from a workspace ExportWorkspace.ps1
Imports all dataflows into a workspace ImportWorkspace.ps1
Imports a single dataflow ImportModel.ps1
Refresh a single dataflow RefreshModel.ps1

For more information on Powershell support for Power BI, please visit powerbi-powershell on GitHub

Supported environments and PowerShell versions

  • Windows PowerShell v3.0 and up with .NET 4.7.1 or above.
  • PowerShell Core (v6) and up on any OS platform supported by PowerShell Core.


  1. The scripts depend on the MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt module which can be installed as follows:

    Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
  2. If you have an earlier version, you can update to the latest version by running:

    Update-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
  3. Download all the scripts from the GitHub Location into a local folder.

  4. Unblock the script by right click on the files and select “Unblock” after you download. Otherwise you might get a warning when you run the script.


If you want to uninstall all the Power BI PowerShell cmdlets, run the following in an elevated PowerShell session:

Get-Module MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt* -ListAvailable | Uninstall-Module -Force


The APIs below supports two optional parameters:

-Environment: A flag to indicate specific Power BI environments to log in to (Public, Germany, USGov, China, USGovHigh, USGovMil). Default is Public 
-V: A flag to indicate whether to produce verbose output. Default is false. 

Export workspace

Exports all the dataflow model.json from a Power BI workspace into a folder:

.\ExportWorkspace.ps1 -Workspace "Workspace1" -Location C:\dataflows 

Import workspace

Imports all the dataflow model.json from a folder into a Power BI workspace. This script also fixes the reference models to point to the right dataflow in the current workspace:

.\ImportWorkspace.ps1 -Workspace "Workspace1" -Location C:\dataflows -Overwrite

Import dataflow

Imports a dataflow model.json into a Power BI workspace:

.\ImportModel.ps1 -Workspace "Workspace1" -File C:\MyModel.json -Overwrite

Refresh dataflow

Refreshes a dataflow and optionally triggers the refresh of depending datasets.

.\RefreshModel.ps1 -Workspace "Workspace1" -Dataflow "Dataflow1" -RefreshDatasets