GB to GiB Conversion

Convert gigabytes to gibibytes. Please enter the gigabytes (GB) value to convert to gibibytes (GiB).

Gigabytes to Gibibytes Converter
1 GB = 0.93132257461548 GiB

How many Gibibytes in a Gigabyte

1 Gigabyte is equal to (109 / 230) gibibytes.

There are 0.93132257461548 gibibytes in a Gigabyte.
1 GB = 0.93132257461548 GiB

GB: unit symbol of Gigabyte
GiB: unit symbol of Gibibyte

Gigabytes (GB)Gibibytes (GiB)
109 bytes230 bytes
1,000,000,000 bytes1,073,741,824 bytes
1,000,000,000 × 8 bits1,073,741,824 × 8 bits
8,000,000,000 bits8,589,934,592 bits


Gigabyte (GB) is one of the most commonly used units of digital information which is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes. However, in computer operating science, the value of 1 GB is considered to be equal to 230 or 10243 bytes which is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes. GB is often used for indicating a size of memory or specifying a size of a movie, computer RAM, and so on. The maximum amount of information stored in a single layer DVD is usually close to 4.8 GB, and the maximum amount of information that can be stored in a single layer Blu-ray disc is equal to 25 GB.

Gigabyte is the unit of data with SI decimal prefix Giga.

                Giga = 109
1 Gigabyte = 109 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes

SI: The International System of Units.


Gibibyte is the unit of data with IEC binary prefix Gibi.

                Gibi = 2301 Gibibyte = 230 bytes
1 Gibibyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.

How to Calculate Gigabytes to Gibibytes

        Giga is the SI decimal prefix equal to 109
1 Gigabyte = 109 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes
        Gibi is the IEC binary prefix equal to 230
1 Gibibyte = 230 bytes
1 Gibibyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes
1 byte = 1 Gibibyte / 1,073,741,8241 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 × (Gibibytes / 1,073,741,824)
1 Gigabyte = 0.93132257461548 Gibibytes    

Gigabytes to Gibibytes Conversion Table

Gigabytes (GB) Gibibytes (GiB)
1 GB0.93132257461548 GiB
2 GB1.862645149231 GiB
3 GB2.7939677238464 GiB
4 GB3.7252902984619 GiB
5 GB4.6566128730774 GiB
6 GB5.5879354476929 GiB
7 GB6.5192580223083 GiB
8 GB7.4505805969238 GiB
9 GB8.3819031715393 GiB
10 GB9.3132257461548 GiB
11 GB10.24454832077 GiB
12 GB11.175870895386 GiB
13 GB12.107193470001 GiB
14 GB13.038516044617 GiB
15 GB13.969838619232 GiB
16 GB14.901161193848 GiB
17 GB15.832483768463 GiB
18 GB16.763806343079 GiB
19 GB17.695128917694 GiB
20 GB18.62645149231 GiB
21 GB19.557774066925 GiB
22 GB20.489096641541 GiB
23 GB21.420419216156 GiB
24 GB22.351741790771 GiB
25 GB23.283064365387 GiB
26 GB24.214386940002 GiB
27 GB25.145709514618 GiB
28 GB26.077032089233 GiB
29 GB27.008354663849 GiB
30 GB27.939677238464 GiB
31 GB28.87099981308 GiB
32 GB29.802322387695 GiB
33 GB30.733644962311 GiB
34 GB31.664967536926 GiB
35 GB32.596290111542 GiB
36 GB33.527612686157 GiB
37 GB34.458935260773 GiB
38 GB35.390257835388 GiB
39 GB36.321580410004 GiB
40 GB37.252902984619 GiB
41 GB38.184225559235 GiB
42 GB39.11554813385 GiB
43 GB40.046870708466 GiB
44 GB40.978193283081 GiB
45 GB41.909515857697 GiB
46 GB42.840838432312 GiB
47 GB43.772161006927 GiB
48 GB44.703483581543 GiB
49 GB45.634806156158 GiB
50 GB46.566128730774 GiB
Gigabytes (GB) Gibibytes (GiB)
51 GB47.497451305389 GiB
52 GB48.428773880005 GiB
53 GB49.36009645462 GiB
54 GB50.291419029236 GiB
55 GB51.222741603851 GiB
56 GB52.154064178467 GiB
57 GB53.085386753082 GiB
58 GB54.016709327698 GiB
59 GB54.948031902313 GiB
60 GB55.879354476929 GiB
61 GB56.810677051544 GiB
62 GB57.74199962616 GiB
63 GB58.673322200775 GiB
64 GB59.604644775391 GiB
65 GB60.535967350006 GiB
66 GB61.467289924622 GiB
67 GB62.398612499237 GiB
68 GB63.329935073853 GiB
69 GB64.261257648468 GiB
70 GB65.192580223083 GiB
71 GB66.123902797699 GiB
72 GB67.055225372314 GiB
73 GB67.98654794693 GiB
74 GB68.917870521545 GiB
75 GB69.849193096161 GiB
76 GB70.780515670776 GiB
77 GB71.711838245392 GiB
78 GB72.643160820007 GiB
79 GB73.574483394623 GiB
80 GB74.505805969238 GiB
81 GB75.437128543854 GiB
82 GB76.368451118469 GiB
83 GB77.299773693085 GiB
84 GB78.2310962677 GiB
85 GB79.162418842316 GiB
86 GB80.093741416931 GiB
87 GB81.025063991547 GiB
88 GB81.956386566162 GiB
89 GB82.887709140778 GiB
90 GB83.819031715393 GiB
91 GB84.750354290009 GiB
92 GB85.681676864624 GiB
93 GB86.61299943924 GiB
94 GB87.544322013855 GiB
95 GB88.47564458847 GiB
96 GB89.406967163086 GiB
97 GB90.338289737701 GiB
98 GB91.269612312317 GiB
99 GB92.200934886932 GiB
100 GB93.132257461548 GiB

Gigabytes Converters