100 (Free) AI Courses to Help You Navigate the Future of Work

A person jumping off of a snowy cliff, with a parachute strapped to their back, and snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Some of the biggest changes - and opportunities - today are being driven by artificial intelligence (AI). We know how important building AI-related skills will be to navigating virtually every role and industry, whether you're an everyday professional in fields like marketing or sales or a seasoned developer. That’s why we’re making over one hundred AI courses free through June 15, 2023 to help you succeed in your job and career.  

Check out the free courses across languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

Learning topics and course highlights include:

Generative AI

AI and Machine Learning (ML) Foundations 

Responsible AI 

Advanced AI

Applied AI 

We’re not stopping here. Over the next few months, we’ll roll out 20+ new Generative AI courses and a new series taught by LinkedIn's engineering and AI leaders. You can also continue your AI learning by engaging with world-renowned AI experts like Logan Kilpatrick (developer relations team at OpenAI), Lila Tretikov (Deputy CTO at Microsoft) and Xavi Amatriain (VP of Engineering for Artificial Intelligence and Product Initiatives at LinkedIn), in real-time with our “Future in Tech” Office Hours series.

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